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문화영상문화포털의 크리에이터 문화PD의 영상을 소개합니다

  • 문화예술
  • 미국 워싱턴

[워싱턴/해외문화PD] 꼭 들어보세요! 워싱턴을 사로잡은 한국 밴드 "더 튠" 콘서트

워싱턴 한국 문화원에서 겨울을 시작을 알리는 11월에 가든 콘서트가 열렸습니다.
아름다운 대나무 숲을 배경으로 실험적인 음악을 유명한 한국 밴드 의 공연이 펼쳐졌는데요.
한국 전통 음악과 집시 음악, 재즈, 레게 등 다양한 장르의 음악을 결합한 음악에 많은 미국인들이 감명을 받았습니다.
[ 이성순 / 더튠 단장 ]
Hello, I'm the leader of the Korean band The Tune. We just finished our gig "Wandering Melodic Road" at the Korean Cultural Center Washington, D.C. We are inspired by Korean traditional music and combine it with different music genres based on our own interpretation and experimentation. We are so proud that our fusion music allows Americans to experience Korean music in a friendly way.
[ Jonathan Jarman / 관객 ]
I think it was really great. One of my favorite parts of the performance was the instruments. I know that many of the musicians switched into different instruments throughout the performance. I thought that was something that is very unique because American bands they just stick to one instrument but in this performance you saw a variety of different ones. It was involved in this performance as well as other cultures. I speak some Spanish so hearing that with that Korean traditional music was really cool.
The performance was unbelievable. Mind blowing. I didn’t know what I was going to see but it was fantastic.
We bought a CD. I’m telling my mind was blown during the second song. I cried a little bit and I didn’t expect that. She mentioned Korean Shamanism and I want to learn more about that.

함께 볼만한 영상


한국문화정보원이 창작한 [워싱턴/해외문화PD] 꼭 들어보세요! 워싱턴을 사로잡은 한국 밴드 "더 튠" 콘서트
본 저작물은 "공공누리" 제4유형:출처표시+상업적 이용금지+변경금지조건에 따라 이용 할 수 있습니다.


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