문화영상문화포털의 크리에이터 문화PD의 영상을 소개합니다
2019년 2번째 온스테이지 코리아 공연을 개최합니다. 이번 공연에는 한국 전통 무용을 현대적으로 재해석한 마홀라 컴퍼니의 '시나위: 부조화 속의 조화'와 '자' 를 관람할 수 있습니다.
The Korean Cultural Center presents the 2nd showcase of the OnStage Korea 2019 season, featuring the acclaimed Maholra Company on June 26, 2019 at the Kennedy Center’s Family Theater.
This innovative group will perform Sinawi: Harmony in Disharmony, a combination of contemporary dance and music based on Korean traditional performing arts.
Unique aspects of Korean traditional dance such as rhythmic breathing and understated movements combine with the evocative sounds of traditional instruments.
OnStage Korea celebrates the diversity of Korean performing arts, from traditional to the cutting edge, with free performances throughout the year.
To register, or for more information, visit KoreaCultureDC.org.